Sunday, September 23, 2012

12 Ways To Bust Out Of Your Fitness Rut

No ExcusesThe most important part of getting fit is to stop making excuses not to, Dixon says. We all are crunched for time, sore, and just looking for an excuse to stay in our jammies. But no excuse is good enough for you not to take care of your health. Start taking a “no-ifs,-ands,-or-buts-about-it” attitude toward fitness.
 Be FlexibleYou don’t have to pack your workout into just one time slot. If you need to, break your workout into two or more smaller workout sessions spaced throughout the day. You’ll get great results and will still have time for the rest of your responsibilities.
Do SomethingIf you're like most women, when you don't have a full hour to devote to exercise you opt out. For what? A few more sleepy minutes between the sheets. But even if you can only work out for 20 minutes a day, that time will make a difference. Something is always better than nothing.

Mix It Up - If you’re like most women, you like routines (manicotti Mondays, sauna Sundays). But strict routines can wreck havoc on your fitness. Doing the same exercises day in and day out can bore both your muscles and your mind. When many women get bored, they just stop. Try varying your exercise routine on a regular basis. Combine the cardio exercises, strength training, and fitness classes to stay interested.
Make it a HabitFitness isn't a luxury. It's a necessity. By thinking of exercise as just one of many important health habits, working out will become just as automatic as brushing your teeth, says Dixon.
Get a GoalWhen starting or even maintaining a workout, motivation is key. Jot down your goal and post it in a prominent place like your bathroom mirror. Whether you want to lower your cholesterol or fit into your size 6 jeans without a struggle, chasing a goal is the best way to keep you moving toward fitness.
 Be Consistent - Wonder why the last day you skipped at the gym magically turned into a month? Because when we don't consistently exercise, fitness falls completely off our radar. To stay consistent, Dixon recommends creating a set schedule of exercising at least three days a week. That way, on those days, you can literally check off working out. After all, what’s more satisfying than checking off a to-do?
Start SlowlyIf you start an exercise routine too fast, it’s easy to get discouraged--or end up with a dumbbell on your toe. But if you start off exercising slowly, and then gradually add difficulty to your workout, you’ll feel challenged, not defeated. That's much more motivating. 
Keep TrackBy writing down your daily workouts (how long you run, how much you lift), you can literally see your progress on the page--often before it shows on your body. Plus, you won’t have to play guessing games with the equipment every time you hit the gym, ensuring you the best sweat possible.
Don't OvertrainIt's important to stay committed to working out regularly, but if you are hitting the gym for hours every day, you might be overtraining. When you exercise, you create tiny tears in your muscles. When they build back up, you add muscle mass and strength. But that's not possible without adequate recovery time between tough workouts. The cure? Take a step back from your schedule or create a rotation of muscle groups to work on throughout the week. That way, you can work out every day while still giving your body a rest. 
Set Mini GoalsDropping 20 pounds or running a 10K can be daunting, but when we set mini goals, we make progress more attainable. Try to lose five pounds or clock in 30 minutes on the treadmill; then go from there. Accomplishing our goals keeps us moving forward and challenging ourselves to meet even bigger ones in the future--like that marathon. 
Mix It UpIf you’re like most women, you like routines (manicotti Mondays, sauna Sundays). But strict routines can wreck havoc on your fitness. Doing the same exercises day in and day out can bore both your muscles and your mind. When many women get bored, they just stop. Try varying your exercise routine on a regular basis. Combine the cardio exercises, strength training, and fitness classes to stay interested. 
Reward Yourself - If a long healthy life isn't enough of a reward think outside of the box. If shoes/purses or a massage are what you yearn for then only treat yourself if you (example) go to the gym 3x a week for a month! Put a calendar on the fridge and check off the days as you complete them! 

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