Do you ever feel like that?
Being in that frame of mind can be such a trap when you are trying to consistently live a healthy lifestyle — motivation seems to vanish into thin air.
And, it’s usually those times when we slip up, and fall back into old ways.
Perhaps you feel like that right now — do you need a kindly nudge in the right direction?
Maybe you’ve already had a great idea — you want to become a runner, or lose weight for summer — but you need to be moved to put that idea into action, otherwise it’s just random thoughts on an imaginary piece of paper.
Here’s what works for me…
I believe inspiration to change can be found in lots of places, things and people… if you look for it.
Don’t make the mistake of getting so caught up in other things, you’re too busy to notice.
Tips for finding inspiration…
1. Books and health magazine — are a good starting point. Increasing knowledge helps you move through barriers, and opens your mind to new possibilities.
2. Blogs — where you can learn from experts, or those who are learning-by-doing. This is a great way to share in the experiences of others, and hopefully their enthusiasm will rub off.
3. Social media — following on from above, if you subscribe to your favorite health sites, logging onto their profiles on Twitter or Facebook can be a great way to get little snipets of info, or timely encouragement to spur you on.
I clicked onto my Twitter account just now and typed in “inspiration,” Leo from Zen Habits popped up first. Here’s what he said: “If you want to learn, teach. If you need inspiration, inspire others. If you’re sad, cheer someone up.”
Very timely advice, at the click of a mouse!
4. Friends and family — the people around you can be extremely influential.
If you know someone who has been really successful in something (even if it’s unrelated to your goal), don’t be afraid to ask them about it. They’ll love to share their story with you, and it’s one of the best ways to find inspiration yourself.
5. Exercise — I find exercise helps to clear my head. It allows me to take a step back from my work and other things, and refocus again on my goals.
Moving, breathing fresh air, getting some sunshine — it’s sure to inspire.
6. Music — an amazing source of motivation for many people. Perhaps you can’t workout without it, or maybe you find certain music lifts your spirits when feeling down.
Whatever the case, crank up your iPod with your favourites, and get moving.
7. Dream — about what you want to achieve, where you are heading, how you’re going to get there. Perhaps you’d love to run a marathon — why not? With the right mindset, anything is possible.
It’s good to dream, just make it BIG!
How to stay inspired
Okay, so you’ve sussed out a few sources of inspiration. But, you’ll need to keep topping it up. So, how can you manage to stay inspired?
Make friends – whether it’s a friend who is ultra energetic, someone who eats really well, or even an online support group of people with the same goals as you, being friends with the right people will help you reach your goals.
Read daily – books, blogs, magazines (even podcasts, or videos), whatever works for you.
Go outside regularly — nothing kills your spirit more than being cooped up indoors all day long. If you can, exercise outdoors for a double whammy.
Do something different — break out of your routine every now and then. This will help you see things from a new perspective, gain insight, get inspired.
Be silent — sit in silence at some point throughout the day, in quiet contemplation or prayer. The act of switching off the TV, radio, or laptop, and allowing your mind to actually think is powerful.
I’d love to hear from you — what is your inspiration in life? What has helped you change bad habits?
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