Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Journey To My Summer Six Pack DAY 27

Day 27

 I have been killing it at my new job! Down Side- Little time to blog! HEY HEY...... Family first, Work 2nd, Health and Fitness third, if your lucky to be included in my circle of close friends fourth and blogging is in last place! I have not been slacking in my work outs and my diet has been pretty clean! I think my summer body is coming along very well! I tell my clients this all the time....... Do you want to look back and think you "peaked" at 17-20!?!?! HELL NO!!!!!! Think about it...............It is never too late to get involved in a fitness program!!!

Day 27!!

Journey To My Summer Six Pack DAY 11

DAY 11

Day 11

Confession .........I totally had a horrible weekend and ate like SHIT!!!! Absolute garbage ...........I am ashamed of myself! Please issue me my Hail Marys so I can chant away my caloric sins! :) Yup........so I biffed it pretty hard but that won't stop me I am back on track and eating healthy again! I enjoyed eggs and a banana for breakfast...... YUMMY!! I will update workout later!!!


OMG I wish I would have recorded this work out!!!! I did this spiritual yoga which had like this crazy Indian rain dance music playing. Bonus you chanted primitive noises! Like the sound HURGHA ( sound that noise out and that was what i was chanting!) OH BOY.... did I get into it?!?! I was so into it I started laughchanting! ( which is apparently frowned upon and it is not fun when you figure that out the hard way :) oops my bad! lol) Next time I will be more mentally prepared and will try really hard not to make an ass out of myself!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Journey To My Summer Six Pack Day 10ish :/

Day 10ish
Sorry I have been M.I.A.! I have been getting a new job set up and important grown-up responsibilities taken care of .......BOOOOO!!!! I almost 100% settled from the move now ...... WOOOO!!!

Pic to come!

Work out-

I did this exact video today.... It is very Stephaniesque!
Since I know so many of my (past&present) clients like my blog I hope you do this workout.....NOW!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Journey To My Summer Six Pack DAY 9

DAY 9-
Day 8 got scratched because I had a hair melt down!!

Day 9


Foam Roll BEFORE every work out

SandBaggin it all day everyday! (do not take literally)
I found images to match my workout today on http://www.ultimatebodypress.com/sand-bag-exercise-guide.html .



Clean to press to squat


I suck I didn't track today. I ate really well but the steamed broccoli with lunch today has had me rather stinky! What are your favorite healthy meals!?!?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Journey To My Summer Six Pack Day 7

Day 7 
Super Bowl Sunday!!
Day 7 

Today I grabbed my old Jackie Warner DVD and did her video twice through and for weights I used my 40lb versalog! It was about an hour and 15 min! 

8:00 am Nutri bar and coffee
1130 protein shake and banana

12:30 chicken soup 
I just got to my super bowl destination and man am up against a lot of temptation!

3:30 I ran and got myself some energy ( rare treat!) I also ate some carrots

5:30Green bean casserole, an orange ( I skipped on ribs ) one roll 
8:30 small spinach salad with chicken breast

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Journey To My Summer Six Pack Day 6

Day 6

 Work Out-

  • Recovery Day WOO HOO 


First of all WTF is a "Fish Mcbite"? I saw a sign for this when I was out running errands and threw up a little just at the thought! I was really busy so I had a bunch of random food at random times! 

  • 1 banana 
  • nutribar 
  • Two oranges 
  • 2 celery sticks 
  • yogurt 
  • string cheese 
  • medium salad (no meat) 
  • 1 chewy bar 
  • baked chicken breast and mixed greens
  • plain carrot sticks
I will be having Day 7 on Super Bowl Sunday! I will be working out and behaving myself! Good Luck and BE STRONG!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Journey To My Summer Six Pack Day 5

Diet is 80%.....Abs are for the majority made in the kitchen!!


DAY 5  (I haven't decided how long this journey should take)


Guilty, I keep mine in my room!
Foam Roll with my Rumble Roller!

I started out by trying some dance-ish work out video (that I will leave nameless) that was recommended to me by a friend (that I will also leave nameless(yes, you are very lucky)).  That lasted a whopping 10 minutes before I threw in the towel! I don't know how those videos make so much money! I personally suck at multi-step graceful coordinated movements. I can pick heavy things up and put them down! ( If you got that joke, pat yourself on the back) Moving on I quickly switched to something new not wanting the poor beginning to effect my workout.


I did a Pilates DVD......I love Kristen Mcgee! Here's a clip of her in action!! http://youtu.be/qePxY46ciCA
If I could have get a personal session in with her I would DIE!  I like to throw in a work out video from time to time! It can be so mindless and relaxing!! Also every instructor or trainer has a different approach so sometimes you can find things you will incorporate in your personal routine. 45 min

THIS IS SO YUMMY...........


                                EGG SALAD WRAP...NO FUN

  • 6:30 am Yogurt coffee 
  • 10:00 am  banana 2 pieces of lunch meat string cheese
  • 2:00 pm egg salad wrap (I always buy 2 dozen eggs and immediately hard boil one package, a hard boiled egg  can be made into a great snack or meal) I diced  up celery 1 tbsp of mustard & Mayo (I usually use pickle juice instead of Mayo but I'm out ) to put in my egg salad.I also add spinach leafs for a little extra ruffage. 
  • 5:00 snacked on popcorn ( its not terrible and it can cure your salt fix)
  • 7:00 orange, cucumber sandwich low-fat mozzarella cheese sliced chicken and a single line of low fat ranch I wish I had red onion or sprouts to add to this! 
  • 11:00 pm ....... 1 soft taco from taco bell :( but only drank water while out!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Journey To My Summer Six Pack DAY 4


Day 4:
-Morning Yoga Sequence (love when I can fit this in)15 min
-Workout at home for a hour-
-Equipment used - gliders, versalog, equalizers, strength bands..... I got all this equipment from Powersystems.com

Foam Rolled  Full Body with my Rumble Roller <-----WARNING:AMAZING BUT MEAN!!
-Strength Band Rotator Cuff exercises 10 reps 3 Rounds
-Equalizer Tri Push Ups with Straight Leg Raises 10 reps of each exercise 3 Rounds
-Equalizer Static "egg" pull up 10 count hold 3 rounds
-Equalizer Inverted Row
-Versalog complex- deadlift/clean/squat/press Repeat in sequence 6-10 reps  3 rounds
-Gliders Inchworm 15 reps 3 rounds

My Wrap....MMMMMM
7 am:Emergen-c Two eggs 1pc wheat toast (70 Cal for 1 piece)
10 am banana
12 am apple 2pm whole wheat tortilla baby spinach 4 PC of Turkey low fat mozzarella string cheese... no  dressing ( yes, it is plain and blah but guess what? You have probably drank terrible alcohol to get drunk, RIGHT?  So ...... you can suck it up and eat bland food to look and feel Amazing!)
4:00 pm 3 celery sticks
6:00 Spicy chicken soup mmmmm :) about 380
8:30 sugarfree jello cup under 50 calories