Saturday, August 25, 2012


Bosu ball training helps balance and coordination. With the dome side up, you can stand, squat, sit or use it just like you would a step for aerobics. Your body is constantly shifting and contracting to stay aligned. This helps burn more calories, and enhances coordination and balance. Turn it over and you can use it as a bench (for strength training), push-ups or just sitting on it to test your balance. (,,20432219_8,00.html
Reverse Lunge Touch Down
Place the ball dome side up. Stand on top of it with feet hip-distance apart and reach your arms up by your ears, palms in and shoulders relaxed (A). Step your left foot back onto the floor behind you, bending your right knee to 90 degrees to come into a low lunge. At the same time, hinge forward at the hips and touch the dome of ball on either side of your right foot (B). Next, push off with your left foot and return to standing on the ball, arms reaching up. Do 12–15 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Bosu Push-up

Medicine Ball Squat & Press On Bosu

Burpee Jump
Flip the ball back on its flat side and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on the dome and jump out into a push-up position. (A) Jump back into a squat and stand up. (B) Jump onto and off the dome with both feet. Repeat 12 to 15 times

Single Leg Kickback on the Bosu Ball
Raise one leg to the rear, return and steady on two legs, then do the same with the other leg. The movement is slow and controlled. This is a balanc exercise in the main. Try to do five with each leg to start. Increase this to 3 sets of 5 with each leg. Rest for a minute off the ball between sets.

Bosu V-Ups with Medicine Ball
Sit in the centre of a Bosu trainer with your legs extended in front of you, knees slightly bent, with a no weight or a one to four-pound medicine ball between your thighs. Lean back, placing your hands on the floor behind the Bosu for balance (a). Contract your abs and slowly raise your legs toward the ceiling (b). Hold for one second, then return to the starting position.

Bosu Core Balance 
Photo of Elle Front Lying Extension on the Bosu Ball
    The farther you go up with your arms and legs, the harder it is and the more you strengthen your back. Make sure you are lifting up through your chest, not just through the arms. Also when lifting through legs squeeze your glutes. Hold the pose for several seconds or as long as you are able.Then slowly release. You may want to try several shorter duration poses and add repetitions.



The easiest way to fast track your results? Put a little spring into your step! Studies show that adding plyometric exercises to your workout routine can help build bone density and prevent injuries, as well as improve power, strength, and agility—the three elements that separate good athletes from the ones that win Gold.

Plyometrics (also referred to as "jump training") refers to movements that stretch a muscle before contracting it, like when you land in a squat jump and then quickly jump back up again. This total-body plyometric workout was designed to blast hundreds of calories while improving your agility, stamina, and speed—so you can rule the tennis, volleyball, or basketball court.

How it works: After completing the warm-up, perform 2 or 3 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, resting 45-60 seconds between each set. Once you’ve rested after the second set, move on to the next exercise in the routine.

A word of caution: Plyometric training isn’t for everyone and should only be attempted if you are fully rested, injury free, and have mastered your alignment on basic movements like the squat. Be sure to pay extra attention to your form during all of these exercises, and stop immediately if something hurts. Allow your body 1-2 days of rest in between training sessions, and progress gradually into the more advanced versions of the moves. (

Medicine Ball Throw and Catch


Plank tuck jumps

Saturday, August 18, 2012



Stand with feet hip-width apart on center of tube, cross it once or twice in front of you, then grasp a handle in each hand, arms by sides.Crouch down and walk hands forward until you are in full push-up position, arms extended with palms directly under shoulders, legs directly behind you so that you form a straight line from head to heels. (Hold handles lightly by thumbs so that palms can lie flat on floor.) Keeping palms planted and abs tight throughout, press hips back toward heels, bending knees so that they hover just above floor.Straighten legs to return to full push-up position and complete rep.Aim for 16 reps.


Start position-Stand on resistance band with feet a little bit further than hip width apart. Squat down and put your hands through the handles. End position-Explode up with your glutes as you press up resistance band in the air. Remember to keep your core tight as you do this explosive movement. This exercise works your legs, shoulders, and raises your heart rate. 

Wrap band around back, assume plank position (hands under shoulder, back straight & bottom down). Place bands under hands and knock out 6-10 push ups. Repeat 2-4 rounds!

Start with band under right foot hold bands with handles behind hands and palms facing forward. Step backwards with your left foot and bend knee going into lunge position. Return to starting position repeating 6-10 times on each side. Repeat 2-4 rounds!

  On your hands and knees, wrap a medium-heavy resistance band around the right foot. Hold the handles in each hand, placing them on the floor below the shoulders. Begin the move with the right knee bent and flex the foot while extending the right leg straight back, squeezing the glutes. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 10-16 reps. To increase intensity, wrap the band around your hands for added tension. If you have knee problems, you may want to skip this move. 


Stand with feet hip-width apart on center of tube, cross it once or twice in front of you, then grasp a handle in each hand, arms by sides. Crouch down and walk hands forward to get in full push-up position. Shift body weight into left hand and rotate extended right arm to reach for ceiling while keeping shoulders down.Hold for 1 to 3 counts, then return to full push-up. Aim for 16 reps, alternating arms. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Foam Rolling

The foam roller not only stretches muscles and tendons but it also breaks down soft tissue adhesions and scar tissue. By using your own body weight and a cylindrical foam roller you can perform a self-massage or myofascial release, break up trigger points, and soothe tight fascia while increasing blood flow and circulation to the soft tissues.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


I use the TRX all the time with my clients! It is an amazing full body work out! Call the gyms in your are and got try it out A.S.A.P! You can also buy one for your own home!

Atomic Push-up

As you can see from the pictures, the idea is to put create instability by having either your feet or hands in a strap hanging from an “anchor point” so that your core has to work at ALL times to stabilize your body throughout every exercise.  The feet go in the handles to do planks, mountain climbers, reverse crunches, and suspended lunges (ouch!).  The hands can go in and you lean into it for tricep, pushup, chest flies, etc workouts.  It can be used for stretching, strengthening, and even cardio.  The TRX creators, Anytime Fitness, also came out the RIP trainers that offer more resistance training but use the same concept of core stabilization.